Code source de aaaa.ahordat
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:Utf-8 -*
# GNU General Public License, version 3 #
# #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <>. #
# #
# Robert Sebille, Belgium, 2018 - #
# #
# As compliant as possible with the PEP8 #
# #
import sys
import math
import time
import os.path as p
[docs]class AaaaHorodatage:
Encoding and decoding module for timestamps of AaaaHorodatage class.
Timestamp format = [0-9]+AAAAZ+/-HH:MM where [0-9]+ = the number of
seconds from the epoch until the date entered, AAAA = the epoch of
the timestamp, and Z+/-HH:MM the UTC offset (e.g for CEST,
summertime: Z+02:00). The timezone and epoch are embedded.
Class attribute(s)
- epoch: class reference year of the timestamp (only for encoding).
Range: 1000 <= epoch <= 9999. Default 2000.
Several ranges and keyboard input are managed, but not exceptions.
# année de référence (attribut de classe)
epoch = 2000
# Europe/Brussels summertime
utc_local_offset = 7200
def __init__(self, ts=""):
# protected
# Liste nombre de jours par mois, moins décembre et année non
# bissextile
self._ljm = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
self._nb_sec_par_jour = 86400
# public
if ts == "":
self.ts = self.encode((self.get_epoch(), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
if ts == "server":
self.ts = str(math.trunc(time.time())) + "1970Z+00:00"
# protected #
# attributs
def _get_ljm(self, i):
return self._ljm[i]
ljm = property(_get_ljm)
def _get_nb_sec_par_jour(self):
return self._nb_sec_par_jour
get_nb_sec_par_jour = property(_get_nb_sec_par_jour)
# méthodes
def _offset_seconds2string(self, offset_seconds=0):
if offset_seconds < -43200 or offset_seconds > +50400:
print("Fatal error 2: offset_seconds not in range -43200 ", end="")
print(">= offset_seconds <= +50400 in ", end="")
chaineoffset = "+"
if offset_seconds < 0:
chaineoffset = "-"
abs_offset_seconds = math.fabs(offset_seconds)
heures = int(abs_offset_seconds / (60 * 60))
minutes = int((abs_offset_seconds % 3600) / 60)
if heures < 10:
chaineoffset += "0"
chaineoffset += str(heures) + ":"
if minutes < 10:
chaineoffset += "0"
chaineoffset += str(minutes)
return chaineoffset
def _offset_string2seconds(self, offset_string="+00:00"):
tmp = offset_string.split(":")
retour = int(tmp[0]) * 3600
if retour > 0:
retour += int(tmp[1]) * 60
retour -= int(tmp[1]) * 60
return retour
def _bissextile(self, an=0):
b = 0
if an % 400 == 0 or (an % 4 == 0 and not(an % 100 == 0)):
b = 1
return b
def _input_entier(self, annonce=""):
"""Vérifie si une entrée est entière"""
ok = False
while not ok:
entier = int(input(annonce))
ok = True
return entier
except ValueError:
print("I want an integer, please: ", end="")
ok = False
def _calcul_encode(self, annee, mois, jour, heures, minutes, secondes,
"""Encode the timestamp."""
# ts = horodatage
ts = secondes
ts += minutes * 60
ts += heures * 60 * 60
# calcul du nombre de secondes de l'année en cours et ajout à ts
i = 0
tmp = 0
while i < (mois - 1):
tmp += self._get_ljm(i)
if i == 1:
tmp += self._bissextile(annee)
# print (i, " ljm ", self._get_ljm(i), " tmp ", tmp)
i += 1
tmp += jour - 1
# print (" tmp ", tmp)
ts += tmp * self._get_nb_sec_par_jour()
# calcul des secondes depuis epoch et ajout à ts
i = self.get_epoch()
tmp = 0
while i < (annee):
tmp += 365 + self._bissextile(i)
# print (i, " tmp ", tmp, " j ", (365 + self.bissextile(i)))
i += 1
ts += tmp * self._get_nb_sec_par_jour()
# On sauve l'epoch dans les 4 derniers chiffres du ts
ts = (ts * 10000) + self.get_epoch()
# On ajoute l'offset UTC (local ou Z) sous forme de chaine
self.ts = str(ts) + "Z" + self.get_utc_local_offset("string")
if utc:
# print (annee, " bissextile = ", self.bis)
# print (self.ts, " est l'horodatage pour le ", self.jour, "/", \
# self.mois, "/", self.annee, \
# " à ", self.heures, ":", self.minutes, ":", self.secondes, sep = "")
return self.ts
def _calcul_decode(self, typ, ts):
"""Decode the timestamp."""
# Récupération tz, epoch, ts
offset = ts.split("Z")
ts = int(offset[0])
offset = str(offset[1])
# Récupération de l'époque
epoch = ts % 10000
# Récupération du ts en seconde
ts = int(ts / 10000)
# On retire les secondes de epoch à annee - 1
# (on en n'a pas besoin pour calculer mois et jour)
i = 0
vrai = 1
while vrai == 1:
annee = epoch + i
compare = (self._get_nb_sec_par_jour() * 365) +\
(self._get_nb_sec_par_jour() *
# print("t1 ", compare, " ts ", ts, " an ", annee, " v ",
# vrai)
if compare < ts:
ts -= compare
i += 1
vrai = 0
# print("t2 ", compare, " ts ", ts, " an ", annee, " v ",
# vrai)
# input("test ")
# On retrouve secondes, minutes et heures
secondes = ts % 60
minutes = int((ts / 60) % 60)
heures = int((ts / (60 * 60)) % 24)
# on a retiré les secondes des années précédentes depuis epoch,
# donc on récupère le n° du jour dans l'année (-1)
jour = int(ts / self._get_nb_sec_par_jour())
# on sépare mois et jour
i = 0
tmp = self._get_ljm(0)
mois = 1
while jour >= tmp:
jour -= tmp
i += 1
tmp = self._get_ljm(i)
if i == 1:
tmp += self._bissextile(annee)
mois += 1
# print("i " + str(i) + " j " + str(jour) +\
# " t " + str(tmp))
jour += 1
# on gère le type de retour demandé
if typ == "string":
if mois < 10:
str_mois = "0" + str(mois)
str_mois = str(mois)
if jour < 10:
str_jour = "0" + str(jour)
str_jour = str(jour)
if heures < 10:
str_heures = "0" + str(heures)
str_heures = str(heures)
if minutes < 10:
str_minutes = "0" + str(minutes)
str_minutes = str(minutes)
if secondes < 10:
str_secondes = "0" + str(secondes)
str_secondes = str(secondes)
retour = str(annee) + "-" + str_mois + "-" + str_jour + "T" +\
str_heures + ":" + str_minutes + ":" +\
str_secondes + offset
if typ == "list":
retour = list()
if typ == "dict" or typ == "dictionary":
retour = dict()
retour["year"] = annee
retour["month"] = mois
retour["day"] = jour
retour["hour"] = heures
retour["minutes"] = minutes
retour["seconds"] = secondes
retour["UTC"] = offset
return retour
# méthodes publiques #
# classe (cls)
[docs] def get_epoch(cls):
"""Return the current epoch of the AaaaHorodatage class."""
return cls.epoch
get_epoch = classmethod(get_epoch)
[docs] def set_epoch(cls, num):
"""Set the epoch of the AaaaHorodatage class.
Range: 1000 <= epoch <= 9999. Default 2000.
epoch class attribute is only for encoding.
For decoding, the timestamps embed their own
if num >= 1000 and num < 10000:
cls.epoch = int(num)
print("Error: set_epoch(1000 ... 9999) = ", str(num), ". ",
"epoch now set to previous: ", cls.epoch, ".", sep="")
set_epoch = classmethod(set_epoch)
[docs] def set_utc_local_offset(cls, *offset):
"""Set the local UTC offset.
Avalaible inputs:
- Number of seconds (-43200 >= *offset <= +50400)
- String (+/-HH:MM) ("-12:00" >= *offset <= "+14:00")
update self.utc_local_offset, but !!! NOT self.ts !!!
To update self.ts with the utc_local_offset,
you must re-encode the date
if len(offset) < 1:
print("Fatal error 4: missing *offset argument in ", end="")
if not isinstance(offset[0], int) and not isinstance(offset[0], str):
print("Fatal error 5: *offset must be a string ", end="")
print("or an integer in set_utc_local_offset(*offset).")
offset_candidate = offset[0]
if isinstance(offset[0], str):
offset_candidate = self._offset_string2seconds(offset[0])
if offset_candidate < -43200 or offset_candidate > +50400:
print("Fatal error 6: *offset out of range in ", end="")
print(" -43200 >= *offset <= +50400")
print("or '-12:00' >= *offset <= '+14:00'.")
cls.utc_local_offset = offset_candidate
set_utc_local_offset = classmethod(set_utc_local_offset)
# instance (self)
[docs] def get_utc_local_offset(self, typ=""):
"""Get the local UTC offset set by the
set_utc_local_offset method.
- Number of seconds (default)
- String (+/-HH:MM) if typ = "string"
retour = self.utc_local_offset
if typ == "string":
retour = self._offset_seconds2string(self.utc_local_offset)
return retour
[docs] def get_ts_epoch(self):
"""Return the epoch of the timestamp
Don't confuse with the class attribute epoch
you can get or set with class methods
get_epoch() and set_epoch(num)
retour = self.ts.split("Z")
retour = int(retour[0])
retour = int(retour % 10000)
return retour
[docs] def encode(self, d="", utc=False):
"""Request input of seconds, minutes, hour, year, month
and day and return an AaaaHorodatage class timestamp.
d =
- "" or none: keyboard input.
- list or tuple input, (fixed order): year, month, day,
hour, minutes, seconds.
- dict (any order, e.g.):
seconds: minutes: hour: year: month: day:
Ranges: seconds, minutes: 0-59. hour: 0-23.
year: >= epoch, month: 1-12, day: 1-28/29/30/31,
exact for the month.
NB: encode year > 9999 with en epoch = 1000
can causes long calculations.
self.ts will be updated.
utc: True, UTC timezone (default) | False, local timezone
annee = -1
mois = -1
jour = -1
heures = -1
minutes = -1
secondes = -1
utc = utc
# list or tupples
if isinstance(d, list) or isinstance(d, tuple):
annee = d[0]
mois = d[1]
jour = d[2]
heures = d[3]
minutes = d[4]
secondes = d[5]
# dict
if isinstance(d, dict):
annee = d["year"]
mois = d["month"]
jour = d["day"]
heures = d["hour"]
minutes = d["minutes"]
secondes = d["seconds"]
# on vérifie les plages des entrées listes, tuples, dictionnaires
if isinstance(d, list) or isinstance(d, tuple) or isinstance(d, dict):
erreur = ""
# if self.annee < self.get_epoch() or self.annee > 9999:
if annee < self.get_epoch():
erreur = "Fatal error 3, year = " + str(annee) +\
". It must be [>= " + str(self.get_epoch()) +\
", integer] in encode."
if mois < 1 or mois > 12:
erreur = "Fatal error 3, month = " + str(mois) + \
". It must be [1-12, integer] in encode."
nb_jours = self._get_ljm(mois - 1)
if mois == 2:
nb_jours += self._bissextile(annee)
if jour < 1 or jour > nb_jours:
erreur = "Fatal error 3, day = " + str(jour) + ". For " +\
str(mois) + "/" + str(annee) + ", day must be [1-" +\
str(nb_jours) + ", integer] in encode."
if heures < 0 or heures > 23:
self.erreur = "Fatal error 3, hour = " + str(heures) + \
". It must be between [0-23, integer] in encode."
if minutes < 0 or minutes > 59:
erreur = "Fatal error 3, minutes = " + str(minutes) +\
". It must be between [0-59, integer] in encode."
if secondes < 0 or secondes > 59:
erreur = "Fatal error 3, seconds = " + str(secondes)\
+ ". It must be between [0-59, integer] in encode."
if erreur != "":
# keyboard
if d == "":
print("Coding a timestamp from the keyboard:")
annonce = "Year [>= " + str(self.get_epoch()) + ", integer]: "
# while annee < self.get_epoch() or annee > 9999:
while annee < self.get_epoch():
print(annonce, end="")
annee = self._input_entier()
# annee = int(input(annonce))
while (mois < 1 or mois > 12):
print("Month [1-12, integer]: ", end="")
mois = self._input_entier()
nb_jours = self._get_ljm(mois - 1)
if mois == 2:
nb_jours += self._bissextile(annee)
while jour < 1 or jour > nb_jours:
print("Day [1-" + str(nb_jours) + ", integer]: ", end="")
jour = self._input_entier()
while heures < 0 or heures > 23:
print("Hour [0-23, integer]: ", end="")
heures = self._input_entier()
while minutes < 0 or minutes > 59:
print("Minutes [0-59, integer]: ", end="")
minutes = self._input_entier()
while secondes < 0 or secondes > 59:
print("Seconds [0-59, integer]: ", end="")
secondes = self._input_entier()
return self._calcul_encode(annee, mois, jour, heures, minutes,
secondes, utc)
[docs] def decode(self, typ="string", ts=""):
"""Request an AaaaHorodatage class timestamp input and
return year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds and
offset UTC.
Return typ =
- "string": return a string (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM). Default,
compliant ISO 8601.
- "list": return a list (fixed order).
fixed order: year, month and day, hour, minutes, seconds, UTC.
- "dict" or "dictionary": return a dict (any order).
ts = timestamp: I will use ts, self.ts will not be modified.
ts = none or "": I will use self.ts.
if ts == "":
ts = self.ts
# retour
return self._calcul_decode(typ, ts)
[docs] def offset_seconds2string(self, offset_seconds=0):
"""Return a string, timezone offset in the form +/-HH:MM
utc_seconds = number of seconds, integer.
-43200 >= utc_seconds <= +50400
return self._offset_seconds2string(offset_seconds)
[docs] def offset_string2seconds(self, offset_string="+00:00"):
"""Return a number of seconds (integer)
utc_string: timezone offset in the form +/-HH:MM
return self._offset_string2seconds(offset_string)
[docs] def tz2utc(self):
"""Convert the timestamp ts to an UTC.
self.ts will be updated.
ts = self.ts
# ts_list = self.decode("list", ts)
# ts_tmp_list[3] = heure, ts_tmp_list[4] = minutes
tmp = ts.split("Z")
ts_sec = int(tmp[0])
epoch = int(ts_sec % 10000)
ts_sec = int(ts_sec / 10000)
offset_ts = self._offset_string2seconds(tmp[1])
ts_sec -= offset_ts
if ts_sec < 0:
print("Fatal error 10: timestamp less than epoch in tz2utc(", ts,
").", sep="")
self.ts = str(ts_sec) + str(epoch) + "Z+00:00"
return self.ts
[docs] def utc2tz(self, *new_offset):
"""Convert a timestamp UTC to an other timezone.
- Number of seconds (-43200 >= *new_offset <= +50400)
- String (+/-HH:MM) ("-12:00" >= *new_offset <= "+14:00")
self.ts will be updated.
if len(new_offset) < 1:
print("Fatal error 7: missing *new_offset argument in ", end="")
if not isinstance(new_offset[0], int) and \
not isinstance(new_offset[0], str):
print("Fatal error 8: *new_offset must be a string ", end="")
print("or an integer in utc2tz(*new_offset).")
offset = new_offset[0]
if isinstance(new_offset[0], str):
offset = self._offset_string2seconds(new_offset[0])
if offset < -43200 or offset > +50400:
print("Fatal error 9: *new_offset out of range in ", end="")
print(" -43200 >= *new_offset <= +50400")
print("or '-12:00' >= *new_offset <= '+14:00'.")
ts = self.ts
tmp = ts.split("Z")
ts_offset = self.offset_string2seconds(tmp[1])
if ts_offset != 0:
print("Fatal error 12: I can only convert an UTC timestamp.")
print("In utc2tz (*new_offset).")
ts_sec = int(tmp[0])
ts_epoch = int(ts_sec % 10000)
ts_sec = int(ts_sec / 10000)
ts_sec += offset
self.ts = str(ts_sec) + str(ts_epoch) + "Z" +\
return self.ts
chemin = p.dirname(p.abspath(__file__)) + "/"
[docs]class AaaaHorodatageTools(AaaaHorodatage):
Tools for timestamps of AaaaHorodatage class, Child class of
Timestamp format = [0-9]+AAAAZ+/-HH:MM where [0-9]+ = the number of
seconds from the epoch until the date entered, AAAA = the epoch of
the timestamp, and Z+/-HH:MM the UTC offset (e.g for CEST,
summertime: Z+02:00). The timezone and epoch are embedded.
Class attribute(s)
- epoch: class reference year of the timestamp (only for encoding).
Range: 1000 <= epoch <= 9999. Default 2000.
Several ranges and keyboard input are managed, but not exceptions.
# For dev start #
# in AaaaHorodatage:
# année de référence (attribut de classe)
# epoch = 1900
# private
# attributs
# def _get_ljm(self, i):
# ljm = property(_get_ljm)
# methodes
# def _bissextile(self, an = 0):
# def _input_entier(self, annonce=""):
# def _calcul_encode(self):
# def _cal def _input_entier(self, annonce=""):cul_decode(self, typ):
# méthodes publiques
# classe (cls)
# def get_epoch(cls):
# get_epoch = classmethod(get_epoch)
# def set_epoch(cls, num):
# set_epoch = classmethod(set_epoch)
# instance (self)
# def encode(self, d=""):
# def decode(self, typ="string", t=0):
# For dev end
def __init__(self, ts=""):
AaaaHorodatage.__init__(self, ts)
# protected
# douglas = open("aaaa/42", "r")
# self._Aaaa42 =
# douglas.close()
def get_42(self):
douglas = open(chemin + "42", "r")
print("Non fatal error 42: existential error 101010.")
print("System not halted. L'histoire")
print(" con")
print(" ti")
print(" n")
print(" u")
print(" e")
print(" .")
print(" .")
print(" .\n")
print("|101010 101010 101010 101010 101010 101010 101010 101010 101010\
101010 101010 |\n")
# get_42 = property(_get_42)
# protected #
# attributs
# Special #
def copy(self):
tmp = AaaaHorodatageTools()
tmp.ts = self.ts
return tmp
def __eq__(self, ts_object):
"""== operator"""
aaaa = self.copy()
aaaa_posix = aaaa.convert_aaaa2posix()
ts_object_posix = ts_object.convert_aaaa2posix()
return aaaa_posix == ts_object_posix
def __ne__(self, ts_object):
"""!= operator"""
aaaa = self.copy()
aaaa_posix = aaaa.convert_aaaa2posix()
ts_object_posix = ts_object.convert_aaaa2posix()
return aaaa_posix != ts_object_posix
def __gt__(self, ts_object):
"""> operator"""
aaaa = self.copy()
aaaa_posix = aaaa.convert_aaaa2posix()
ts_object_posix = ts_object.convert_aaaa2posix()
return aaaa_posix > ts_object_posix
def __ge__(self, ts_object):
""">= operator"""
aaaa = self.copy()
aaaa_posix = aaaa.convert_aaaa2posix()
ts_object_posix = ts_object.convert_aaaa2posix()
return aaaa_posix >= ts_object_posix
def __lt__(self, ts_object):
"""< operator"""
aaaa = self.copy()
aaaa_posix = aaaa.convert_aaaa2posix()
ts_object_posix = ts_object.convert_aaaa2posix()
return aaaa_posix < ts_object_posix
def __le__(self, ts_object):
"""<= operator"""
aaaa = self.copy()
aaaa_posix = aaaa.convert_aaaa2posix()
ts_object_posix = ts_object.convert_aaaa2posix()
return aaaa_posix <= ts_object_posix
def __str__(self):
"""Return the string self.ts"""
return self.get_ts()
def __add__(self, seconds=0):
"""new_ts = ts_object + seconds.
Overload of plus operator.
self.ts will be updated
- use dhms2second(d=0, h=0, m=0, s=0) method to
convert days + hours + minutes + seconds in seconds
- To add seconds to a new timestamp instance:
new_ts_object = ts_object.copy()
new_ts_object + seconds
tmp = self.ts.split("Z")
ts_offset = tmp[1]
tmp = int(tmp[0])
ts_epoch = int(tmp % 10000)
ts_seconds = int(tmp / 10000)
ts_seconds += seconds
self.ts = str(ts_seconds) + str(ts_epoch) + "Z" + ts_offset
return self
def __sub__(self, *nb_seconds_or_ts_object):
"""new_ts = ts_object - *nb_seconds_or_ts_object
Overload of minus operator.
if *nb_seconds_or_ts_object is ts_object, call
self.ts.diffDays("string", *nb_seconds_or_ts_object.get_ts()),
see this method. self.ts is NOT updated.
if *nb_seconds_or_ts_object is a nb_seconds integer
update and return self.ts - *nb_seconds
self.ts seconds - seconds must be >= 0 (epoch-01-01)
- use dhms2second(d=0, h=0, m=0, s=0) utility method
to convert days + hours + minutes + seconds in seconds
- To add seconds to a new timestamp instance:
new_ts_object = ts_object.copy()
new_ts_object - seconds
if isinstance(nb_seconds_or_ts_object[0], AaaaHorodatageTools):
return nb_seconds_or_ts_object[0].diffDays("string", self.get_ts())
if isinstance(nb_seconds_or_ts_object[0], int):
seconds = nb_seconds_or_ts_object[0]
tmp = self.ts.split("Z")
ts_offset = tmp[1]
tmp = int(tmp[0])
ts_epoch = int(tmp % 10000)
ts_seconds = int(tmp / 10000)
if ts_seconds >= seconds:
ts_seconds -= seconds
print("Fatal error 53: number of seconds to substract ",
print("to big in __sub__(seconds=0). Substract < ", end="")
print(ts_epoch, "-01-01 (epoch of the timestamp)", sep="")
print("Program halted.")
self.ts = str(ts_seconds) + str(ts_epoch) + "Z" + ts_offset
return self
# protected #
# méthodes
# méthodes publiques #
# class (cls)
# instance (self)
[docs] def diffDays(self, typ="string", ts2=0):
"""Difference between 2 timestamps in days, hours, minutes, seconds.
ts2 - self.ts1.
Usage: ts1_object.diffDays(<typ>, <ts2>)
Offset UTC timestamp 1 must match offset UTC timestamp 2
and epoch timestamp 1 must match epoch timestamp 2.
Return typ =
- "seconds": return the number of seconds.
- "string": return a string (+/-DDTHH:MM:SS). Default.
- "list": return a list (fixed order).
fixed order: sens_difference, day, hour, minutes, seconds.
- "dict" or "dictionary": return a dict (any order).
ts2 = 0 or none: keyboard input.
ts2 eg: ts2_object.get_ts()
# if keyboard
if ts2 == 0:
ts2 = input("Decode timestamp 2: ")
# if arg
# to do
# Récupération des timestamp et test des offset utc
ts1_split = self.ts.split("Z")
ts2_split = ts2.split("Z")
if ts1_split[1] != ts2_split[1]:
print("Fatal error 51: offset UTC1 " + ts1_split[1] +
" does not match offset UTC2 " + ts2_split[1] +
"\nProgram halted.")
print("Consider to standardize the 2 timestamps to Z (+00:00)")
print(" using <instance>.tz2utc(timestamp1)")
print(" using <instance>.tz2utc(timestamp2)")
# recup ts1, ts2
ts1 = int(ts1_split[0])
ts2 = int(ts2_split[0])
epoch1 = ts1 % 10000
epoch2 = ts2 % 10000
ts1 = int(ts1 / 10000)
ts2 = int(ts2 / 10000)
# test des epoch
if epoch1 != epoch2:
print("Fatal error 52: epoch1 " + str(epoch1) +
" does not match epoch2 " + str(epoch2) +
"\nProgram halted.")
print("Consider to standardize the 2 epochs")
print(" using <instance>.convert2epoch(timestamp1, epoch)")
print(" using <instance>.convert2epoch(timestamp2, epoch)")
# ts2 > ts1 => sens diff = +, sinon -
sens_diff = "+"
if ts1 > ts2:
ts1, ts2 = ts2, ts1
sens_diff = "-"
dts = ts2 - ts1
secondes = dts % 60
minutes = int((dts / 60) % 60)
heures = int((dts / (60 * 60)) % 24)
jours = int(dts / (60 * 60 * 24))
if typ == "seconds":
if sens_diff == "-":
retour = -dts
retour = dts
if typ == "string":
retour = (sens_diff + str(jours) + "T" + str(heures) + ":" +
str(minutes) + ":" + str(secondes))
if typ == "list":
retour = list()
if typ == "dict" or typ == "dictionary":
retour = dict()
retour["sensdiff"] = sens_diff
retour["days"] = jours
retour["hours"] = heures
retour["minutes"] = minutes
retour["seconds"] = secondes
return retour
[docs] def convert2epoch(self, epoch):
"""Convert an embedded epoch to an other
1000 <= epoch <= 9999
self.ts is updated
ts_offset = self.ts.split("Z")
ts_offset = self.offset_string2seconds(ts_offset[1])
save_offset = self.get_utc_local_offset()
save_epoch = self.get_epoch()
ts = self.decode("list", self.ts)
ts = self.encode(ts)
self.ts = ts
return self.ts
[docs] def dhms2seconds(self, d=0, h=0, m=0, s=0):
"""Convert days + hours + minutes + seconds in seconds"""
return d * self._get_nb_sec_par_jour() + h * 3600 + m * 60 + s
[docs] def convert_aaaa2posix(self):
"""Return a Posix timestamp (UTC) from an Aaaa timestamp"""
aaaa_ts = self.copy()
# self.ts = save_local_ts
tmp = aaaa_ts.get_ts().split("Z")
ts_sec = int(tmp[0])
ts_sec = int(ts_sec / 10000)
return ts_sec
[docs] def convert_posix2aaaa(self, posix_ts):
"""Return an Aaaa timestamp from a Posix timestamp
self.ts is updated
posix_ts will be considered at UTC time.
self.ts = str(posix_ts) + "1970Z+00:00"
return self.ts
[docs] def set_ts_same_epoch_offset(self, ts_object):
"""Convert ts_object to same epoch and UTC offset
than self.ts
ts_object.ts is updated
ts_epoch = self.get_ts_epoch()
tmp = self.get_ts()
tmp = tmp.split("Z")
ts_offset = tmp[1]
return ts_object
if __name__ == "__main__":
# at top, # from ahordat import AaaaHorodatage # to test module
h = AaaaHorodatageTools()
h.encode((2001, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10))
h2 = h + h.dhms2seconds(1, 2, 10, 20)
print(h.decode(), " - ", h2.decode())
k = AaaaHorodatageTools()
myKCEST = k.encode([2001, 2, 20, 20, 15, 30])
print(k.decode('string', myKCEST), "\n---")
print(k.convert2epoch(myKCEST, 1900))